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Reduce Premature Ejaculation By 64% With ProSolution® Plus

Reduce Premature Ejaculation By 64% With ProSolution® Plus

  • Last Longer In Bed
  • Increase Self Confidence
  • Doctor Recommended
  • Improved Libido
  • Money-Back Guarantee
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Dr. Dave David, M.D. & SURGEON

Dr. Dave David

As Seen On:

As a doctor I encourage you to take a close look at ProSolution® Plus and consider how it could address your concerns about sexual performance

– Dr. Dave David, M.D. & Surgeon

As Seen On:

When Youre Ready to Show Up, Last Longer and Enjoy Sex Again…

Mature Couple in Bed

We just raised the bar.

You already know why ProSolution® is the leading natural male enhancement supplement: ProSolution® clients enjoy better erection quality as well as greater sex drive and performance.

Now you can also use ProSolution to reduce premature ejaculation, with ProSolution® Plus.

A recent study published in The American Journal of Therapeutics has folks excited. This study tested its natural formula that helps men improve specific, and all too often, troubling concerns.

You’re about to enjoy the result of this work because ProSolution® Plus is a powerful blend of herbals, vitamins, minerals and nutrients just bursting with virility.

It brings you all the benefits of ProSolution® Pills with the added bonus of natural and clinically-tested improvements for premature ejaculation. Now you can have the confidence that comes with performing like a man.

Reduced Premature Ejaculation By 64%

Subjects predominantly suffering from premature ejaculation demonstrated a 64% improvement in the index of premature ejaculation against the 25% improvement with the placebo.

Researchers tested 148 men in a two-month triple-blind study. Half the study participants took the ProSolution® Plus formula. The other half took a placebo at a similar dosage.

All of the men were in reasonable health between 21 and 60. They all suffered from mild to moderate erectile issues, premature ejaculation and/or low interest in sex.

Chart: Premature Ejacualtion Reduction

Here’s What They Experienced

The men all experienced improvements in the following areas:

  • Premature Ejaculation: Decreased 64%
  • Erectile Quality: Increased 67%
  • Overall Sexual Function: Increased 48%
  • Sexual Satisfaction: Increased 78%

The results, published in The American Journal of Therapeutics, confirm what researchers suspected of the ProSolution® Plus formula.

It really works by helping men address specific sexual concerns, such as erection issues, premature ejaculation, or the lost spark that many guys want back.

You get the best of Ayurvedic and ancient Chinese medicine for guys. That’s over 4,000 years worth of research into the best herbals, minerals and vitamins that help men rise in the bedroom.

Consider it an elixir of natural virility to help you achieve the sex life you deserve.

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Last Longer In Bed


Why Guys Choose ProSolution® Plus

ProSolution® Plus is a leader among natural male enhancement supplements, giving you better results for the following reasons:

Advantage #1 – Clinically-Tested Results

Look for natural male enhancement supplements with scientific proof and you’ll quickly see it’s a very small list indeed.

Now, how many of those are clinically-proven to help you address issues like erection quality and premature ejaculation?

We care about our clients. That’s why we spent the time and money to develop a formula that really delivers. This wasn’t easy or inexpensive, but the product speaks for itself.

Advantage #2 – Doctor-Approved

Don’t just take our word that ProSolution® Plus delivers the goods.

We know that only a doctor can provide the reassurance that a product is effective and well-tolerated. That’s why we invited a few well-known and respected physicians to take a look.

It turns out they like ProSolution® Plus too, and recommend it to guys who want more enjoyment and frequency in their sexual encounters.

Advantage #3 – The ProSolution® Name

With over a decade of experience and a track record of hundreds of thousands of happy guys who enjoy more sexual activity, ProSolution® is a well-respected brand.

It’s not rocket science. All we ever set out to do was give men a natural supplement that really delivered. We used high-quality herbals, vitamins and nutrients scientifically researched and assembled right here in the United States.

Prosolution® Plus Brings Your “A” GameMale Satisfaction Increased by 78%

Chart: Treatment Satisfaction-Male

Prosolution® Plus combines the same herbals and nutrients that the people of India and China have used for thousands of years for their libido-boosting properties.

It’s like a high-octane fuel with safe, effective nutrients that build up in your system and improve your sexual health over the course of time.

Just like you would gauge the performance of a sports car by its acceleration time from 0 to 60, we designed Prosolution® Plus to squeeze the maximum performance out of the male biology.

The ProSolution® Plus Formula Includes:

Third Party Tested Certificate of Analysis

Tribulus Terrestris: Natural Help for Men With Erection Issues

Tribulus Terrestris is a traditional Chinese herb people have long used as an aphrodisiac. Studies reveal that Tribulus Terrestris relaxes the corpora cavernosum and shows “significant” increases in intracavernous pressure, offering natural help to men with erection difficulties.

(Source: Korean J Urol. 2013 March; 54(3): 183–188.)
Withania Somnifera: Increases Blood Flow to the Penis

A 2003 Italian study found that Withania Somnifera increased nitric oxide, which helps relax the corpora cavernosum, increasing blood flow to the penis for a larger erection.

(Source: Life Sci. 2003 Feb 21;72(14):1617-25.)

Asparagus Adscendens: Helps Reduce Stress and Inflammation

With evidence pointing to an inhibitory effect on proinflammatory cytokines, Asparagus Adscendens may provide natural relief for stress and inflammatory conditions.

(Source: Phytother. Res. 2010 Oct;24(10):1562-6. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3218.)

Mucuna Pruriens: For Feelings of Pleasure

This tropical legume contains L-DOPA, a precursor to the neurotransmitter L-dopamine. Mucuna Pruriens has also been shown in laboratory studies to increase erection frequency and sexual activity.

(Source: J. Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Apr 21;122(3):497-501. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.01.032. Epub 2009 Jan 31.)

Asteracantha Longifolia: Enhanced Attraction to Sexual Partners

Studies show that Asteracantha Longifolia increases the attraction to female sexual partners. As well, it’s noted to significantly increase sperm. In the ProSolution Plus formula clinical study, it helped men have more frequent and powerful orgasms as well as better control over ejaculations.

(Source: Nat. Prod Res. 2011 Sep;25(15):1423-31. doi: 10.1080/14786410802588493. Epub 2011 Jul 8.)

Curculigo Orchioides: For Greater Sexual Frequency and Reduced Hesitation

The rhizomes of Curculigo Orchioides are linked to increased sexual frequency, mating performance and greater erection quality. Curculigo Orchioides are also known to reduce the hesitation to engage in sexual activity.

(Source: Filoterapia. 2007 Dec;78(7-8):530-4. Epub 2007 Jul 3.)

Asphaltum: More Than 85 Vitamins and Minerals

Also called shilajit, Asphaltum is a mineral wax with medicinal properties highly prized in Ayurveda as a natural remedy for sexual dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It’s rich in antioxidants and believed to stimulate the release of cytokines by activated immunologic cells.

(Source: Pure & Appl. Chem., Vol. 62, No. 7, pp. 1285-1288, 1990.)

The Sex Life You Deserve

ProSolution® Plus is a leading natural libido pill and is clinically tested to increase sex drive, performance, and as we’ve seen, the frequency of sexual activity.

Guys all over the world have made ProSolution® Plus their top pick as the leading natural virility supplement simply because it’s the best in its class for increasing desire, stamina, sexual health and satisfaction.

We’re not claiming that ProSolution® Plus should replace pharmaceuticals for men with more advanced sexual problems, either. But it’s an awesome formula we based on time-tested herbals and nutrients, and it greatly helps guys increase their satisfaction with sex.

See for yourself how study participants said ProSolution® Plus improved their sexual satisfaction on average by 78%.

Put another way, you get more than your money’s worthC out of ProSolution® Plus simply because it’s an effective way to reduce premature ejaculation.

And better still, you’re doubling that value because it’s also the #1 male libido supplement.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee that ProSolution® Plus will transform your sex life by helping you enjoy more sexual activity, performance and satisfaction with what you can bring to your partner.

She might like it too, actually. In this same clinical study, female partners of the men reported a 77% improvement in sexual satisfaction.

It's an investment in your sex life and your relationship, too.

Order Your ProSolution® + Today!

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